Top Foods for Kidney Health and Cleansing

This is a continuation of the previous article on top foods for kidney health and cleansing:

  1. Cherries


Cherries are rich in vitamin C, K, B6, folate, citrate and magnesium, all beneficial to the health of the kidneys. Citrate in particular reduces uric build up. When uric acid is too high in the body it leads to gout and arthritis.

  1. Chanca piedra


Chanca piedra, (Spanish) means to break stones or in this case, to break up the kidney stones and other classified areas of the body. It is a herb that you can find online quite easily and if you have had or have kidney stones, it is worth taking. It not only benefits the kidneys, but the gall bladder as well.

  1. Avocado


Avocado is a rich source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Avocado is in particular good for the kidneys because of its high levels of potassium. If you have any kidney disease, then your body loses its potassium reserves quickly and avocado’s range of nutrients including potassium, helps.

  1. Cinnamon

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Cinnamon helps to manage glucose (blood sugar) levels very well. Kidneys are damaged or harmed by unhealthy blood sugar patterns. Therefore, keep cinnamon handy to add to your beverages or meals.

      5. Kidney beans


Kidney beans are obvious; they tell you they are good for the kidneys not just because of the name but because of the shape. Many foods in nature mimic the shape of the organ or gland that they benefit in the human body. Kidney beans are shaped like kidneys and correlate to benefit them. They have also been used for kidney stones reduction. Other beans have been found to benefit the kidneys as well, black beans in particular.

  1. Cranberries


If you have ever had a urinary tract infection (UTI) or any urinary related irregular patterns you have probably been told to drink cranberry juice and for good reasons. Cranberries benefits the kidneys and urinary tract. They contain high levels of vitamin C and manganese. Pure cranberries or organic cranberry juice without added sugar reduces levels of oxalate and phosphate, which helps to reduce the formation of kidney stones.

  1. Parsley


Parsley is an aromatic delicious herb that is used in many herbal routines. It has diuretic properties, which simply means that it is beneficial for removing the excess build-up of toxins in the kidneys and urinary tract.

  1. Marshmallow root


Marshmallow has a variety of different medicinal applications. Its diuretic qualities are some of the best qualities. Marshmallow root is able to stimulate urine production and soothe the urinary tract quite effectively. Marshmallow is a gentle and effective way to support the kidneys.

What are the foods to Eat, to get Rid of My Belly Fat and Detoxify My Liver

Fat is an essential part of our diet and is important for good health. There are different types of fat, with some fats being healthier than others, but let us focus on belly fat.

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Fat stored under the skin is called subcutaneous fat while fat stored in the abdominal cavity and around your organ is called visceral fat. Visceral fat is dangerous fat to carry around as this increases risk of heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. To be disease-free we need to feed on the following foods to keep our body as healthy as possible.

Cucumber juice

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Cucumber is a vegetable full of water, good to fight dehydration and recommended for cleansing the liver. Cucumbers, besides being great for weight loss, are good for detoxing the body from deep within.



This food is one of the healthiest on the planet for numerous reasons. One of them is cleaning the liver and maintaining its health.

Green tea


Green tea is abundant in antioxidants which is the reason why it is the best at detoxifying. The presence of antioxidant prevents damage of cells from free radicals, which can cause a lot of health problems and serious diseases.

Olive oil


When you are on a detox plan, make sure you see olive oil in cooking. You can also consume 3 tablespoon of extra virgin oil a day, combined with vegetables, whole grains and legumes. This type of diet will help you lose weight quickly and cleanse your liver effectively.



The vegetables is excellent if you want to detoxify your liver. What’s more is that it is abundant in lycopene, which helps prevent skin, breast and lung cancers. However, make sure to always consume fresh tomatoes.


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Drink turmeric tea or use turmeric as a spice in your dishes to detoxify, not only your liver, but also the entire body. This will help flush out harmful toxins from your body, thus assist the weight loss process.


More to Health Properties Papaya Leaves has, there are Several Constituents in Papaya Leaves that are Very Useful to Our Bodies….

This is a clarification of the constituents named in previous articles on papaya leaves treating health problems, please refer back to the article regarding the issue.

As we earlier discovered, the papain found in papaya leaves, is leading as the most active enzyme in the green parts of papaya plant and its even 3 times abundant in green papaya than the fully ripened fruit.



Chymopapain is known to lower inflammation and improve healing from burns. Chymopapain is a special enzyme that is sometimes injected into the intervertebral disc as a treatment for patients suffering from a slipped spinal disc.


Carpaine is a major alkaloid component of papaya leaves, which has a calming effect on the heart, bronchus and muscles making it ideal for lung ailments such as bronchitis and asthma. However, higher doses can produce constriction or narrowing of blood vessels walls. Carpaine is reported to be able to kill worms and amoebas.



Flavonols antioxidants are a specific type of antioxidant commonly known as flavonoids. This group of antioxidants may have antiviral, antitumor and anti-inflammatory effects on the human body. Flavonols contain quercetin, a potent antioxidant proven beneficial in the treatment of viral infections, particularly in patients with underlying chronic lung disease.



Beta-cryptoxanthin is a pro-vitamin A carotenoid, meaning it can be converted by the body to retinol. As with other carotenoids, cryptoxanthin is an antioxidant that helps prevent free radical damage to cells and DNA, and also stimulates the repair of oxidative damage to DNA. It reduces colon cancer and significantly lowers the occurrence of bladder carcinoma.


Benefits of Papaya Leaf

Papaya is very rich in magnesium, hence reason why papaya leaves are advocated for humans. This is because they aid in treatment of diseases such as tetany, tuberculosis, diabetes, cancer and all nervous diseases. Magnesium also assists in assimilation of phosphorus.


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Potassium contributes to the fight against bacteria and cleanse the digestive system. It also necessary to work on muscular weakness, which is associated with malaria. Potassium also slows down sclerosis of the vascular system.


The brown papaya leaf is used as a cleanser in herbal remedy because the sodium in it takes part in the metabolism of water, promotes digestion, assimilation, osmosis, cleanses the digestive system, combats stomach acidity and alkalize the blood.


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Iron is beneficial in various ways where it acts as an energizer, but when consumed in excess can cause fatigue. The presence of iron indicates that the leaves can be used against anaemia, tuberculosis and growth disorder.


It is necessary for the functioning of the pituitary gland, the pineal gland and the brain. It promotes hepato-renal function, combat anaemia, supports bone development and function, speeds healing of wounds, sustains healthy skin, strengthens the immune system, and stabilizes blood sugar to protect against diabetes and metabolic disorders.


With all the above constituents it is right to say, papaya leaves medicinal powers can work miracles in the human body.


The Power of Papaya Leaves at Treating Health Problems

Papaya leaf juice has incredible benefits. Papaya is mostly grown in the tropical regions and possibly one of the most loved fruit in the world. The papaya plant has been touted for centuries as a source of powerful medicine. Every part of papaya plant and its fruit lend therapeutic value in maintaining health and correcting body imbalances.


Papaya as a fruit has lots of goodness and it is accompanied by most of the nutrients such as vitamins A, C and E, flavonoids, cryptoxanthin, folic acid, carotene and carotenoids, potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, ascorbic acid, magnesium and other awesome benefits.


The leaf has its own constituents namely beta-carotene, calcium, carpaine, fats, flavonols, magnesium, niacin, papain, saponin, vitamin C, iron and sodium. In the next blog, we’ll look into constituents and how they work in the body but for today, let’s discuss papain.


Papain! This is an enzyme found on papaya leaf and it is the most active enzyme in the green parts of a papaya plant. Papain serves the body at the realm of protein-digestion. In digestion, papain is more effective than pepsin and pancreatin, which is used to stimulate the function of the pancrease. Papain also eases pain and inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis, improving healing of injuries and reducing swelling after surgery.


Papaya leaves are very useful in healing and curing cancer and dengue fever. The vital nutrients in the leaves are great antioxidants, which greatly boost the blood flow. This is due to the papain’s phenolic compounds and alkaloids.

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The first two catalyst are dynamic segments of papaya, which can assist in the assimilation of proteins, and utilized to treat acid reflex, digestive problem and bloating.

More to papaya health benefits are:

  • Production of more blood platelets especially when you are ill.
  • Supports digestive system especially in separation of carbohydrates and proteins. In addition, it amends stomach lining and peptic ulcers through dispensing with microscopic organisms.
  • Women health – Helps regulate menstrual periods through balancing of the periods.
  • Boosts immune system by protecting the heart and lowering blood sugar in a natural way. The juice works on insulin and directly affects the glucose levels.

Grapes are Very Important to Our Health. Get to Know How.

Grapes are fruits, which are not only yummy to eat but also good for our health. The fruit popularly known for being used in cooking delectable dishes to being renowned as the primary ingredient in wine making.



Grapes improves the resistance power of the body against infections and diseases. Grapes contain powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols, which may slow or prevent many types of cancer, including esophageal, lung, mouth, pharynx, endometrial, pancreatic, prostate and colon. The resveratrol found in red wine famous for heart health is a type of polyphenol found in the skin of red grapes.


Here are health benefits of grapes whether green, purple or red:

  1. Grapes takes care of your heart

Grapes are rich in antioxidants and therefore, regular intake of grapes significantly reduces the risk of heart attacks. Where grapes increases the nitric oxide level in the blood, which improves the heart conditions.

  1. Protects against Breast cancer

Grapes have two properties named Anthocyanin and proanthocyanidins. These properties acts as anti-proliferate that help reduce risk of breast cancer.

      3. Solves constipation problem


Grapes are known as laxative foods since they contain some useful contents such as organic sugar, acid and cellulose, which are useful in resolving constipation problem.

  1. Better digestive system

Grapes take care of your stomach from irritation to indigestion using their glorious power to enhance your digestive system through its chemical properties.

  1. Energy booster


Grapes are the rich source of iron and antioxidants that give instant energy boost and develop immune system.

  1. Healthy kidney

Grapes health benefits help minimise the acidity of uric acid and work to reduce the acid travelling to the kidney. Hence proper function of the kidney.

  1. Anticancer properties

Grapes have properties that fight against cancer. The anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferate are agents that do not only decrease the risk of cancer but also slows down the growth and generation of cancer cells.

  1. Anti-aging properties


Regular consumption of grapes reduces the generation of macular degeneration, which is related to human aging process hence slowing down the aging process.


Pumpkin Seeds and the Health Benefits they have to our Body

Pumpkin seeds are the only alkaline forming seeds with so many health benefits in them. Pumpkin is known in making pumpkin pie. Its leaves and flowers can be eaten, and they are very sweet.


Archaeologists discovered pumpkin seeds back over 7,000 B.C. in Mexico. Pumpkin seeds are known as Pepitas in Mexico.

Pumpkins are accompanied by so many nutrients and they are becoming popular healthy snacks among health conscious people. Pumpkins are high in magnesium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, iron and they are high in proteins. They are also a good source of vitamins A, K, C, and B and they are rich in quality proteins under essential fatty acids.


Pumpkin has many health benefits such as:

  1. The blood cholesterol level

Pumpkin seeds contain phytosterols, compounds that have shown to reduce cholesterol level.

  1. They control blood sugar

Intake of magnesium reduces the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. Low magnesium levels can impair insulin secretion and lower insulin sensitivity.

  1. Fights anxiety

Pumpkin seeds contain an amino acid called tryptophan that has been used to treat chronic insomnia because the body converts it into serotonin, the relaxing hormone and melatonin, the sleep hormone.


  1. Relieves arthritis inflammations

Pumpkin seeds reduce inflammation and counter arthritis pain without any side effects of the anti-inflammatory drugs.

  1. Improves bladder and prostate health

Pumpkin seeds contain natural oil that alleviates difficult urination that happens with an enlarged prostate.

  1. Protects bones

High magnesium intake is associated with a greater bone density and has shown decreased risk of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.

  1. Improves heart and liver health

Pumpkin seeds contain fibre, omega 3, omega 6 fatty acids, and antioxidants that are good for both the heart and liver.

  1. Boosts immune system

It’s advisable to consume plant foods like pumpkins seeds that decrease the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and overall mortality.

Therefore, promoting healthy complexion, healthy hair, increased energy and overall weight loss.

Amazing Healthy Boost your Body Gains from Carrots

What could be the probable reason your mama kept on insisting that ‘you should eat carrots’? For instance, carrots boosts your health or they will help you see things especially at night

Carrots are root vegetables, which are so good for our health. It is believed that they were first cultivated in the area now known as Afghanistan thousands of years ago as a small forked purple or yellow root with a woody and bitter flavour, resembling nothing of the carrot we know today.

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The current orange carrot was developed and stabilised by Dutch growers in the 16th and 17th centuries. The modern day carrot has been bred to be sweet, crunchy and aromatic.

One medium sized carrot can contain 25 calories, 6 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of sugar and 1 gram of protein. Carrots are an excellent source of Vitamin A, C, Calcium and Iron.

The bright orange colour of a carrot is from an antioxidant called beta-carotene. The beta-carotene is absorbed in the intestine and converted into Vitamin A during digestion.

Carrots also contain fibre, vitamin K, potassium, folate, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin E and zinc. From the nutrition part of the carrots, they also have various health benefits to human body:

  1. Clean Healthy Teeth and Gum

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The crunchy nature of a fresh carrot cleans your teeth and mouth. They scrap off plaque and food particles just like a toothbrush and toothpaste. Carrots stimulate gums and trigger saliva, which being alkaline, balances out the acid forming, the cavity forming bacteria.

  1. Cleanses the Body

Vitamin A assists the liver in flushing out the toxins from the body. These reduce fat in the liver. The fibres in carrots clean out the colon and hasten waste movement.

  1. Better and Improved Vision

Carrots are rich beta-carotene, which is converted into Vitamin A in the liver, then transformed in the retina, to rhodopsin, a purple pigment necessary for night vision.

  1. Anti-aging

High levels of Beta-carotene in carrots acts as antioxidant to cell damage done to the body through regular metabolism. It helps slow down the ageing of cells.

  1. Healthy Glowing Skin

Deficiencies of vitamin A causes dryness to the skin, hair and nails. Vitamin A and antioxidants protect the skin from sun damage. Vitamins prevent premature wrinkling, acne, dry skin, pigmentation, blemishes, uneven skin tone.

  1. Prevents Cancer

Studies have shown that carrots are good for prevention of lung cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer, where carrots have anti- cancer effects due to antioxidant power in them.

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The health benefits from the carrots are so many we cannot exhaust them.

As much as carrots have health benefits, they also have some reactions to the body where:

Overconsumption of carotene may cause a slight tinge in skin colour though not harmful to your health.

Vitamin A can be toxic to humans but is unlikely to be achieved through diet only not unless you use more of vitamin supplements.


Garlic and its Health Benefits to the Body

Garlic is a plant in the Allium (onion) family. It is an ingredient used in cooking foods due to its strong smell and delicious taste. It has also been used as a medicine throughout ancient and modern history.

Garlic is beneficial to the body in various ways:

  • The allicin is used as medicinal properties


Allicin is a sulphur compound formed when garlic clove is chopped, crushed or chewed; it is also responsible for the distinct garlic smell. Allicin enters the body through the digestive track and travels all over the body and its potent biological effects work.

  • Flu and Cold

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Garlic when taken whether raw or cooked or sipping some garlic tea (with a touch of ginger or honey) it relieves a stuffed nose and cure the cold but also build your immune.

  • Weight loss

Garlic stimulates the satiety hormone, which reduces binge, sugar cravings, junk food and oily stuff. It also release norepinephrine and neurotransmitter that boosts metabolism.

  • Heart diseases

Garlic prevents heart disease when consumed on daily basis whether raw or in food, it helps lover cholesterol levels through anti-oxidant properties of also regulates blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

  • Scalp and hair loss


Garlic could end your hair loss problems because of high levels of allicin. The Sulphur compound found in both onion and garlic are effective to treat hair loss. On how to apply it, pick the sliced cloves of garlic rub them on your scalp, rinse and repeat that severally and wait for the results.

  • Sex

Garlic improves your mood and boost your sex life. According to study, men who eat garlic actually smell more attractive to the opposite sex and I do not mean the breath, but their body odour.

  • Cancer prevention

Studies indicates that daily consumption of garlic and prevents stomach and colorectal cancers. It is said to strengthen the immunity of the body against cancer.



The sulphur compound in Allicin tends to lose its medicinal properties when garlic is cooked completely, therefore, it is imperative to consume garlic raw or semi-cooked to derive any of its benefits

The Best of Natural Honey and its Health Benefits

Ever thought of bees and their stinging power, swelling and the dis-shape they give you. They are very protective when it comes to their territory many can agree with me. Despite their aggressive nature, they make a very sweet and healthy food.


Honey is a thick, golden liquid produced by industrious bees, it is made using the nectar of flowering plants and is saved inside the beehive for eating during times of scarcity.


Nectar is a sugary liquid extracted from flowers using a bee’s long, tube-shaped tongue and stored in its extra stomach.

Honey contains a number of vitamins and minerals, including Vitamins A and C, iron and calcium. There are traces of more than 15 amino acids found in honey and also important antioxidants, such as flavonoids and alkaloids.


Honey is the only food that does not rot! Yes, even a 3000-year-old honey will remain edible.

Honey has health benefits such as:

  1. Reduce cough and throat irritation

Drinking tea or warm lemon water mixed honey it is a way to soothe a sore throat. Honey reduces the coughs and improves sleep especially if taken some few minutes before bed time.

  1. Reduce ulcers and other gastrointestinal disorders

Raw honey is known for its potential healing properties. When consumed, it fights out the bacterial and hence, strengthens the digestive lining.

  1. Prevent cancer and heart disease

Honey maintains a healthy heart and also helps in minimising cases of cancer illness.


  1. Blood sugar regulation

Science shows that honey lovers the blood sugar levels, since, the sweetness of honey is not entirely due to glucose but fructose and fructose does not need insulin to get into cells.

  1. Heal wounds and burn

The biggest population is not aware of the honey care capabilities that helps a wound to heal properly. For burn wounds, bacterial infections to pressure ulcers.

  1. Strengthen the immune system

The glucose in honey when absorbed in the body it immediately boosts your energy.


Honey is the best and recommend product to be in every household.

Check out more benefits of honey here

Here are the Best Fruits to Solve Acne Problems

Acne is a common skin condition that affects most people at some point. It causes spots, oily skin and sometimes skin that’s hot or painful to touch. These fruits can help fight acne.

  1. Apples

If I classified an apple as a snack would I be wrong? Come to think its benefits. Like most fruits apples contain water and significant amount of fibre which are beneficial to our skin and health. The key nutrient found in apples is called pectin. It is a naturally occurring substance also found in berries and other fruits. Other nutrients like vitamins C, E, A and B are also found in apples and they help in maintaining healthy complexion, support metabolism and other vital functions inside the body. Apples can help nourish the skin and in turn, fight acne.


  1. Lemon

Lemon is commonly considered for many home treatment remedy. It has lots of health benefits including throat infections, indigestion, dental problems, obesity, cholera and high blood pressure.

For the skin lemon is a natural bleaching agent. Its acidic property acts as a natural bleaching agent for the skin. The citric acid in lemon can help the body rid of dead skin cells and promote new cell growth.

  1. Red Grape

Antioxidant content is found in red grapes which has been use for years to treat serious skin problems like eczema and psoriasis, hence, it’s an excellent choice for people suffering from acne. Red grape seeds also contain nutrients that are beneficial, the seeds might not taste great but they are beneficial for skin, hair and health.

  1. Bananas

Great choice in fighting acne. The unique pro-biotic properties found in bananas help bolster the good bacteria that live inside us. Researchers concluded that maintaining the good bacteria is essential for proper function of the immune system, which can help speed healing of blemishes.

  1. Mangoes


Monkeys with mangoes, what is the relation? Mangoes are beneficial to the skin both internally and externally. Blending the mango apply the juice to the face. Mango contains beta-carotene, which is converted by your body to Vitamin A and vitamin C are crucial to skin self-repair. When eaten, mangoes aid in reducing skin problems, including pimples. Hence ruling out acne.

  1. Papaya


A fruit rich in vitamin A and C. Vitamin A has the most beneficial nutrients for healthy skin. Vitamin C is helpful in the body’s production of collagen which is one of the building blocks of the cells and tissues that make up the skin. Papain is a healthy enzyme from Papaya which helps reduce inflammation and redness that often goes along with it, helping to reduce the appearance of acne.

Warning: Apples are one of the most pesticide-contaminated foods in the produce section, so it’s best to buy them organic